At HWA, we are committed to enhancing safety and mobility by providing innovative geotechnical solutions and our in-house Falling Weight Deflectometer allows us to provide quick, non-destructive testing to measure deflections along the pavement surface under the impact of controlled loading, assessing the strength and thickness of pavement layers quickly and accurately.
Ask us for more information about our Falling Weight Deflectometer

East Marginal Way provides access to the Port of Seattle terminals, rail yards, industrial businesses, the regional highway system, between MIC's, and provides a major connection for bicyclists as well. HWA’s services included conducting a site investigation program, performing geotechnical engineering analyses, and providing recommendations for design including infiltration capacity, potential for liquefaction, luminaire and signal poles and railroad track relocation.

HWA is providing geotechnical engineering services for design of the SR 522 Bus-Rapid Transit (BRT) improvements that will connect the I-5 Link Light Rail with the I-405 BRT system at UW Bothell along an 8-mile corridor along SR 523 and 522. Elements include providing recommendations for numerous retaining walls, luminaire foundations, a pedestrian bridge, infiltration recommendations and pavement design for the dedicated BRT bus lanes.

HWA provided geotechnical and pavement engineering services for the Bus Rapid Transit improvements. Results of HWA’s investigations were used to develop recommendations for new signal pole and luminaire foundations; retaining wall recommendations; bus shelter foundations; additional loading on existing subsurface utilities; stormwater infiltration and general earthwork requirements. HWA also installed monitoring wells and groundwater level monitoring for proposed stormwater facilities.

East Marginal Way provides access to the Port of Seattle terminals, rail yards, industrial businesses, the regional highway system, between MIC's, and provides a major connection for bicyclists as well. HWA’s services included conducting a site investigation program, performing geotechnical engineering analyses, and providing recommendations for design including infiltration capacity, potential for liquefaction, luminaire and signal poles and railroad track relocation.